
By annabelrosewats

Lovely cousins

Up at 6.45 to go and trial at Berkelouw cafe. Met Carla and another girl working there. Carla was 19 and the other girl was 15. Nic was sitting having a chat with someone so the two girls showed me the ropes. Worked the till, did coffees, served the cake and did the dishes. Had a good chat to Gavin the cook as he has relatives in Scotland. There was a Scottish lady that walked in and Nic the boss told her I was from Scotland so I went over to chat to her. She was from Glasgow and her accent put me off big time going home. When I gave her the coffees she said she had two sons aged 17 and 19 and asked if I wanted their number so I could socialise with them. I said 'yeah, sure!'. She started writing down the number and then said...'you know what here's my card', I think I made quite a strange face as I suddenly recognised her!! 2 days ago Jess pointed out this big poster with her on it and said, 'she's a creepy woman', I then said 'wouldn't want to meet her!!', she was advertising physic readings! Anyone I have now met her and could be in contact with her children, haha! Told Carla the funny story and she laughed. Nic the boss is lovely, really lucky with the job. She said my cv is absolutely wonderful she then mentioned something about her children so I think she read the nannying bit in my cv!! She mentioned pay and said I could be pause between $12 to $18. At the end of the day I mentioned her children to her and she said that she had already filled me up with cafe work but I could clean for her. So might be cleaning too!! Lucy picked me up and was lovely and asked everything. We had a nice supper. Lucy made pasties and I did a salad. Max and I used chopsticks again for fruit salad and chocolate. No cutlery left!! Had an earlyish bed as I have go get up really early tomorrow for a 6.45 start at work.

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