What a difference a day makes!

No Doc needed today, the sun has cured or at least displaced yesterday's blues.

Had to take the opportunity to ride out. It was gorgeous even though I was overdressed - too many layers that is. Sadly Flash refused to join Luna and Sultan - we heard him yowling for 10 minutes. I was sure he would come, as he knows my riding style means a gentle, quiet, relaxed, enjoyable stroll. Was not to be. Yesterday he came with us but perhaps because all three horses went too.

Half way around we met Farmer Franz quickly getting his slurry tank empty before the winter ban which lasts until mid February, longer if the ground is frozen or covered in snow. He stopped and we had a chat. Sultan after his initial misgivings about the tractor, ignored it as he was allowed to munch the grass. When we departed and Franz started up, Sultan did his normal dance. Really annoying and dangerous on the road (we were on a road with no traffic & only had to cross it.) Will have to work on this problem.

Luna was really good. I did dismount when we had to go 100 meters through the village and traverse a crossing on a blind corner. She stayed close, not perfect but safe. Difficult as I had Sultan on my right and needed Luna on my right too, so was difficult for her to work out where to go. If I hadn't dismounted, Luna would have probably followed better but didn't want to take any chances.

Flash met us 100 meters or so in the forest. I probably did the wrong thing by ignoring him. He then tried to make up by being very busy herding the horses and making himself useful (-less). After feeding them we made up!

Today is Angie's Dad's birthday. Next year a round one. Phoned him and he seemed in good spirits although it's a Monday and probably none of the three girls will be able to visit. Sepp has recently been connected to the internet and has become a regular Blip visitor and so fully up-to-date with our goings on. Happy Birthday again, Sepp from us all and especially from your "Flash Gordon".

Hope all had such a wonderful sunny day but I guess someone has to have the less pleasant stuff. Thanks to Blipers in France & UK for passing the sun our way. Hoping tomorrow will be a repeat before forecasted snow on Wednesday.

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