These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Hot September day..

It was a hot day today! In fact, my husband suggested getting out the water toys it was so hot. Of course, he meant sprinklers, etc. But, at the mention of water toys, we all geared up for a swim party and a half hour later, we were filling the pool up with water. The kids were beside themselves. This is a "new" pool that we recently got on sale, in preparation for next year. We didn't realize we'd get to put it to use in 2009!

The kids' grandparents arrived today from Oregon, and we celebrated Grandparent's Day with a yummy dinner, served by the kids themselves! We were early to bed tonight in order to gear up for preschool tomorrow. It's a big day for Mr. Tyler.. and a big day for me. I'm suddenly realizing how fast he's grown up!

We've got a very busy week ahead of us. Hopefully, I can squeeze in some pictures to capture the busy days on blip!

Goodnight all!

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