Forward Thinking

I spotted a few funky lamppost stickers on my walks recently. This one's on the West Port. Little did I know as I shot this today how poignant it would be. Indulge me while I tell you the story...


I look after a substantial budget at work. Back in April I contacted a reseller of a service and asked them to check with the vendor what the renewal cost of something would be. The vendor is a BIG company well known for its complexity/inflexibility and the renewal was not straightforward as it involved bringing two renewals together and partial credits etc etc.

But after a bit of backwards and forwards we came to a figure for our budget. Forward thinking I thought then.

Fast forward to today ... the vendor and the reseller now tell me that the policy has changed (or they got it wrong when they told me in April) and that they can't / won't give me a partial credit and that if I wanted to bring the renewals together then I'd basically have to pay for a couple of months twice (and that makes the cost several thousand pounds more).

Of course, the other methods of renewing are actually more expensive in the long run, so it looks like they've got me by the short & curlies. Although I'm not giving in without a fight.

The thing is if they'd got it right back in April I would have put the higher amount into the budget but now it looks like i got it wrong and am overspending!!


I <3 forward thinking

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LOTD: The Turk Returns "SP - UNDER HOUSE ARREST" blip - is a great portrait. Love the texture and DOF and its a little bit sinister!

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