occhi verdi

By occhiverdi


All ready for my OMM shelf exam today at 1. Arrive only to find out that testing services didn't order my exam and they don't do same day delivery. Ahhhh.
I had to stay another night and take it on Thursday at 7am.

These weights.. man oh man. We've had a long run of things. Every time I pull these guys out of their hiding place in my apartment it can mean only one thing: 80's workout videos. That's right. My new focus while I'm on an away rotation in Beaumont for the next four weeks: cardio with weight training so I can develop some triceps and nice, feminine arms.
I'm pretty excited about it. I'm gonna add a paleo only diet to the mix and see how that works, too. Totally on board with paleo. I don't care for bread that much and I love protein.

So here's to The Firm VHS Tapes that I first used when I was 13. Hope they still work and I can use my arms and legs the following day.

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