Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Fire in the Sky

When I took the pups out for their early morning constitutional, the sunrise was just starting. I knew it was going to be gorgeous, so I ran into the house, grabbed the camera and ran into the street to catch this beautiful sunrise. As the sun came up, the clouds all around me caught "fire". It started with soft colors but quickly turned brilliant. It was so beautiful!

As I watched, I stood in awe, thinking "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork." - Psalms 19:1.

I set my ISO at 500, with an aperature of f8 for 1/100". My white balance I set to "cloudy" thinking that I wanted a warmer effect (although I probably could have left it at daylight). After taking this shot, I only heightened the contrast a bit. I also spot adjusted exposures to the street. No other color adjustments were made!

Hope you enjoy my early blip today!

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