
By Nikael


Still sick... I went to bed yesterday at 9:30 p.m. and woke up at 2:30 the next afternoon. So from half past nine to half past two, with some small water drinking pauses. The cats have been thrilled to have me home - they have had the chance to sleep on top of me all day long! I have started to watch Big Bang Theory from the season 1 again, and I wish I could show you a picture from my bedroom: me and Nelli and Ruttu, all together in one big lump, laughing our asses of ,D

When I went to grab me some more milk and stuff I noticed something on my way home. This strangely marked leaf was under my doorsteps. It has a mystic mark on it, like the four main compass points. It has a round center and the aisles have to lines in them.

This little leaf brought me back to my childhood (SirJumala, here you are!). As a child I was very superstitious, and I still am. There was a strong woman in my life who was very very fond of magical things and was highly superstitious. She thought me many beliefs from the old Finnish culture and many other things. I still nowadays believe in the number of sneezes: One is good, second bad, third love and the fourth money. And I still keep looking for signs around me. It bothers me sometimes and makes life complicated, but it still is quite exiting. ,)

For example, I used to turn my ring to the "right position" so that a small flaw in it would face down. I thought something bad would happen if it wasn't right. After all these years I am wearing the ring again, and I still find myself turning the ring around always when it's not right. ,) Even while driving or doing something where I should concentrate on something else!

This is something I have had with me from my childhood; superstition. It still colors my life and is a piece of me as Ninni ,)

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