
By MsQuizzical

Snipe Had A Dewdrop, So Did I

The day dawned so cold but so beautifully. I went out with the camera early. The farmer had made an enclosure in the farmyard so that the turkeys could get out of their barn. They were so excited to be in the sunshine. Some flew up onto the gate of the enclosure and could have escaped but dropped back in with the flock.

I stopped on the way to Rye Meads to shoot the scrap yard as the mangled metal was glinting in the sunshine. My long lens could see the grab driver in his cab. What a gorgeous smile he has. :)

I went into the hide where I shot the glossy ibis from last week to check if it was still around. No sign of it but as I was about to leave I spotted a pair of snipe. I was alone shooting them when someone came in. I continued, telling whoever it was where to look for the snipe.

"For here thy bill,
Suited by wisdom good
Of rude unseemly length, doth delve and drill
The gelid mass for food"

It's the first time I have spotted for a pro wildlife tog. :) Young Tom Mason introduced himself and we had a lovely chat. He seemed to be quite interested in my haunts. He showed me his portfolio on his phone. What fantastic pics he takes. I strongly urge you all to check out his website.

The late afternoon light at the reserve was gorgeous. I got a pic with thirteen magpies in the frame. There was a murmuration yesterday but I don't think it materialised today, maybe because of the bitter cold.

PS There was a mini murmuration after I left. Check out Tom Mason's blog. :) The guy in the RSPB centre told me a fully fledged one is expected at the end of the week when the weather turns milder.

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