Wednesday: Overlooked Eggs

K. came back from the UK this morning and has returned with the usual goodies.   I also have a day off today which has made for a nice change.

Whenever she goes away, K. leaves me a good supply of provisions..  Unfortunately, this time I completely overlooked the eggs she had hard-boiled for me.  I didn't spot them until today when I was getting some eggs out to make a batter for Yorkshire puddings.  

They probably can't be eaten anymore so I thought I would share them with you so that they at least get an outing.


Over a cup of tea in bed this morning I finished 'Leon and Louise' by Alex Capus, lent to me by my Mum.  It was a nice read set in wartime France.  The love angle never quite worked for me but for the rest, and against the historical backdrop, it was enjoyable.


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