Master Mariner

By MasterMariner

Infant of Who??

I am back on board of the Bylgia. I joined her in the Gulfcoast port of Fourchon. The Bylgia is converted in a DP class 2 installation vessel with a Millenium ROV on board and 35 crewmembers instead of 14. Busy days. This morning we left Fourchon for our first assignment with the Balder on the deepwater location of Jack & St.Malo. Fourchon is an extremely busy port as you can see. Offshore related vessel are coming in and out in great numbers. Basically, the port is way too small to accommodate all these vessels. One of them is this supplyboat. Some American shipowners are completely deranged in their strange habit of naming ships. Infant Jesus of Prague. How can you do that to her captain and crew?

But alas; this is where her strange name comes from :

Infant Jesus of Prague originally came from Spain. The legend tells that Infant Jesus appeared miraculously to a certain monk, who modelled the statue based on the appearance of the apparition. According to another legend the statue belonged to St. Teresa of Avila, the founder of the Discalced Carmelites, who was aflame with a great love for the Child Jesus. She is said to have given the statue to a friend of hers, whose daughter was setting out to travel to Prague.

When the Duchess Maria Manrique de Lara came to Bohemia to marry a Bohemian nobleman in 1556, she received the statue from her mother as a wedding gift. When her daughter Polyxena of Lobkowicz was widowed, she gave the precious statue to the monastery of the Discalced Carmelites attached to the church of Our Lady of Victory in 1628.

The Carmelites placed the statue in the novitiate chapel, so that the young monks could learn from the virtues of the Child Jesus. At that time the Thirty Years’ War was raging through Europe and even Infant Jesus was not spared when the Saxon army occupied Prague in 1631. It was only after his return to Prague in 1637 that Father Cyril of the Mother of God, originally from Luxemburg, discovered the statue, abandoned in a corner. To his sorrow, however, he found that Infant Jesus had had both hands broken off. At this moment it seemed to him that Infant Jesus was saying to him:

Have mercy on me and I will have mercy on you.
Give me hands and I will give you peace.
The more you honour me, the more I will bless you.

Eventually Father Cyril had new hands made for Infant Jesus. The gold coin invested in this was returned many times over, as the Child Jesus began to bless the monastery, the local people, and the whole of Prague. Miraculous healings were attributed to him, as was the protection of Prague when it was laid siege to by the Swedes in 1639. In 1651 the statue was carried as a pilgrim round all the churches in Prague and in 1655 it was solemnly crowned by the Bishop of Prague. This event is still remembered today on the anniversary feast-day, falling on the first Sunday in May.

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