Bumps in the Road

By JimJ


To celebrate the arrival of the wee man's Australian passport, we took him down to Tumbles, a new soft-play centre down by the promenade in Portobello. And to follow it up, we ate at the Aussie pub, The Espy.

The only down side was that Nikki had her phone stolen while we were gallivanting with the wee man. Admittedly we did see a man sitting suspiciously close to our bags but we but we never expected him to go thieving - he was there supervising his son!

Ah well, I guess we'll be more careful next time. It's a shame though. You really do want to trust people in this world - especially fellow Dads. We filled in the forms, notified the police, blocked the phone and cancelled the contract. We were determined not to let this idiot ruin our day although it put a bit of a dampener on an otherwise great time.

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