sk8er boi

'he was a punk, she did ballet'

Here is D at Kingholm Quay skate park. All the sk8er boys are at school so we can play around and take photos. I love watching skateboarders, how they make concentration look casual and cool, how they spend hour after hour perfecting those skills. I like the clacky sound of the wheels and the clatter of a falling board, the way those boys (and they are usually boys) get straight back on when they fall off. It's a shame, I think, that they are relegated to this out of town site. I would like to watch the boarders at Dock Park, which with its £million refurbishment is looking too genteel for this graffiti.

We took a stroll through Dock Park on our way to the Swan and checked out the new Peter Pan/Captain Hook style playground. I bet the kids will love it but Sk8er boi is disappointed that there is no longer anywhere for him to do his morning chin ups...

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