Christmas Lights

This morning it was my turn to have needles stuck in me when I went to the surgery to have various blood tests. After, I sorted out an issue someone had with Windows Media Player, an underrated piece of software I often feel, I’m amazed it’s still available in Windows 8.1, albeit not obvious.

We went for a late coffee at Nero to coincide with the Stratford Christmas lights switch-on. There was a good turn out at the town hall where a children’s choir sang carols and the Lord Mayor gave a speech prior to flicking the switch and lighting the blue touch paper for the fireworks.

I took quite a few photos, most of which were not very good due to the difficult light conditions, and not having a very good camera, and being a useless photographer, but I quite liked this one of Guild Chapel and some of the decorations on Chapel Street.

I’m sure more Christmas lights pictures will appear in my blip-journal over the next week or so.

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