It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


Odd title.....I know what you are all thinking about. This is ICM, In Camera Motion.
Its an arty way to get a lovely smooth texture to woodlands.
I didn't have a lot to choose from today. We had a great day and again I was with Peter and David..aka...Loosecanon and Rockarea and we went to Loweswater.
It is stunningly beautiful as are all the Lakes. We spent a lot of time in the woods and I found macros to focus stack. However the one I tried.....I screwed up so that got deleted!
I found it a struggle today. I did a fair bit of playing around with arty shots from things I have learned. I do always keep trying new things but end up going back to these ones. The trees in this wood had a wonderful velvet covering of lush green moss. It gets beautifully picked out in this way of shooting I find.

Rush because I've never had so little time. We got back to LPH so we could have a go with Loosecanons Drip Trigger for making water droplet images. Boy is he good. Do check him out as he will be no doubt producing some more Ace shots like THIS soon when he makes his MK3 version.
Please sub him too. Through LPH and blip he's become a very good friend of mine as have Rockarea and PaulaK.
John wanted to try the drip trigger so here is one of many fantastic shots he got tonight. :-)
I was so behind because I was with the boys playing using the drip trigger I had to edit my rubbish while we were looking at the other guests wonderful images today!
Again forgive me for HUGE lack of communication on here...but normal service will resume on Sunday. How depressing.....I mean how depressing being back home scratching around when Ive had scenery like this.

Draco Dragon xx

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