
By middaypyjamas


More birthday celebrations today! This birthday may never end and I'm loving it!

After having a bit of a sleep in and some egg and bacon rolls at Willy and Caities with the gang, we drove back home. We weren't there long before I had to go to work. Once that was done it was on to Jonathan's house where the b-day celebrations continued.

These celebrations were with my immediate family, being my Mum and Dad (pictured above) and my brother Matt. My sister Angela was otherwise engaged, but it just means we'll catch up with her soon for even more birthday activities.

Jon and Matt gave me a 4 burner hooded BBQ! Amazing! And apt as they're both aware of my less that perfect success with our current BBQ equipment, a charcoal webber. Can't wait to fire it up. My parents were also kind enough to gift me with a travel towel and some very fine, high quality binoculars which I'm planning to give a thorough use all through South America, but especially the amazon!

My twenty seventh year is already off to an excellent start :D


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