
By samsticks

Look Dad... No Hands!

After last night's excitement, I was feeling physically exhausted (despite being the sober drummer/driver for the evening so that Gina could let her hair down... we had a babysitter in!!).

Still, no rest for the wicked or (I'm discovering) parents, so up we got with Miles. Kristian also stayed over after the gig, so we all went for brunch at 15 Pounds (hash stack, poached eggs with bearnaise, wild mushrooms with spinach and a side of bacon... with a strong latte and followed up with a long mac.... I was still buzzing!).

Then Gina and I came home and set about packing. We're moving next weekend and we know how long these things take, so have decided to knock off as much as we can before next Saturday. Our walls are now very, very bare. Unfortunately we're not moving into our own place as the current tenants don't want to move until their contract is out in March, so we're moving in with Faye and Lewis, who kindly offered for us to take their 2 spare rooms for the summer so that we're not paying our mortgage and rent. They are too good to us!

Miles was in a fantastic mood today, and appears to have learnt a new trick! He'd still not crawling though... although he's pretty good at scooting backwards!!

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