
By samsticks

Babies babies babies

Today was a day full of babies, and not just Miles.

We had a BBQ with Gina's mothers group and associated partners, which was actually really great! Lots of nice people there, so we're quite fortunate! I took a few photos, but they're certainly not for blip, being mainly of other peoples' babies!

Then we went to a 1st birthday party. Patch and his wife Laura's baby's turn this time! There was a great turn out and lots of people saying that they'd heard that the launch went well (without having been able to make it themselves). Again, I took lots of photos, but mainly of kids running around all over the place.

I got a great one of the birthday boy and have asked whether I can blip him. In the meantime, here's Maple the dog... one of the only non-baby shots that I took today!

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