
By meccanica

back in the saddle

I've been teaching design now for a while - longer than I've stayed at any other job - and I've been quite restless for a while. I really like 80% of the job, the rest I could do without, but 80% is pretty damn good.

One of the things I've missed is the designing though. I originally just worked bloody hard at trying to teach well, then when I got into research it was academic in nature and interesting enough, but, ultimately, I don't think anyone has ever read it.

So this blip is a mock-up which is a development of a single drawing which was a reaction to a random image of a tree in a magazine. No logic, rationale or opportunity fulfill or problem to solve. Just a small table/bench thingy. Next week I make it.

I'm teaching/working with students in our elective block at the moment. For my group it is three weeks full-time focussing on designing furniture pieces. I guess I always get excited about this project, this time I'm joining in, although not putting as much effort into the design as my students are.

What else? Got some good leads on the missing concrete table caper and have passed them onto Max the campus cop. Fingers crossed.

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