A stressful evening

Just as you think that things are getting on track. Just as you start to feel real joy again. Just as you think that things are settling down and life is going to work out ...

... something happens to bring you back down to earth with a thud.

It's up to you how you handle it, how you view it. Is it an obstacle or a challenge?

My flatmate is selling her house and received an offer even before it went on the market. Cousteau and I will have to be on the move again.

Someone at work didn't listen to me ... again ... with possibly undesirable consequences ... again.

All pale into insignificance as this evening Cousteau ate RAT POISON.

I had just finished taking today's shot and was putting my camera away in the garage, when I heard Cousteau crunching on something. Being an over-protective mum, and knowing that nothing he should be eating would be on the floor in the garage, I raced over to him and took it out of his mouth. I don't know where I put the camera, I didn't care.

Fortunately, he had only just got hold of it and it was still whole. He may have scraped a few shavings off the side. I rang my vet who suggested bringing him in to be sure.

We raced down there a bit too fast.

Vomitting was induced.

He couldn't stop vomitting, even though there was nothing left to come up.

He had an injection to stop the vomitting.

He has to have a blood test on Monday morning to check that he has no ill effects.

He's very floppy and tired today but seems okay.

Me on the other hand. I just want things to go right for a while. I just want to have a boring, easy life for a while.

Oh well, you get that. For every problem a solution.

Cousteau will be okay and at the end of the day, that's really all that matters right now.


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