The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

It's begining to look a lot like Xmas . . . .

Yesterday was one of my favourite kind of days, it was so enjoyable I thought I'd share it with you all.

It started as a slow burn and the warm embers radiated throughout the remainder of the day. It was the kind of day where the trials and tribulations of life seemed momentarily distant and everything seemed 'magically' possible. The kind of day I can only describe as delicious and a huge treat.

The slow start was due to the festivities of the previous evening when I joined over one hundred Kiltwalkers at our Kiltwalk end of Year Party to celebrate everyone’s great achievements and boy did we celebrate.

It’s at this point I’d like to thank the “God of Hangovers” for not punishing me, he must have realised we were all 'drinking' for Oor Bairns :-)

I’d parked my car in town overnight, so early afternoon Jan, Holly, Scott and I headed to Patterton, to catch the train to Central Station. That’s where my afternoon started to come alive as I simply love the buzz of a busy Glasgow City Centre and although it was ‘nippy ootside’ there was a clear blue sky overhead, which meant the impressive sandstone buildings, sparkled high into the sky. Trust me, if you like your architecture, head to Glasgow and look at our magnificent buildings.

We meandered across town to Horton’s where we treated ourselves to lunch, which for me, was a Hot Chilli Burger, washed down with Deep Fried Ice Cream, don’t you just love our city and it’s cuisine :-)

It was then back out into the chilled air to do one of my favourite things, people watch, and where best to people watch than Buchanan Street and as usual, it didn’t disappoint.

It was full of street entertainers, buskers, people standing on soap boxes proclaiming this, that, or the other. There was hundreds of people rushing here or rushing there, all with bags attached to each finger, never mind hand and the great thing was I didn’t have a single bag or thought of a Xmas gift in my head, as I was out for a stroll, it was blissfully enriching.

I also noticed there an explosion of Tartan, everywhere, without a Scotland game in sight. There were scarfs, hats and bags being worn or carried, however no one had THE Tartan scarf of all Tartan scarfs on, except me of course as I proudly had my Kiltwalk scarf wrapped around my neck.

I have to say our scarfs are rather unique as they radiate a stylish 'coolness', while keeping you 'warm' at the same time. In fact they’d make an excellent Xmas present for someone special, so visit our website using this link in plenty of time if you fancy buying one

No visit to Glasgow at this time of year is complete without a visit to George Square to see the Christmas tree, gifted to the people of Glasgow from Norway every year, to show the strength of ties between Norway and our wonderful city.

As a wee boy the tree at George Square was always a special trip into town, on the bus of course, as we didn’t have a car. However it was always a worth while one just to see that magical site and it’s one I’ve taken my children to every year too. And you know what? It seems as big now as it did when I was a bairn myself.

So what’s today's Blipfoto Journal all about?

Well we’re about to hit the silly season. The season where everyone walks around with a million ‘to do’ lists in their head and the season where money flies out of your purse, or wallet, faster than you can say “Merry Christmas”.

So today’s Blipfoto is about asking those of you who still have money to collect and return to us, to PLEASE do so as soon as you can.

By sending it off you can get rid of that item on your ‘To Do’ list. It also means the Kiltwalk team can stop chasing you for the cash and begin to wind down for Xmas themselves. However more importantly, it means all our charities will be assured of the amazing sums of money you’ve all raised. So please try and go last last Kiltwalk mile and collect that cash.

Thanks in advance.

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