
By MsQuizzical

Lucky Young Bucks

Have been to the Dengie Hundred again today. My mother is now safe having respite care in a former pub in Tillingham.

I got back home around three. The light wasn't great but I decided to go and see if I could find some deer. I turned the car round in a sort of lay-by at Epping Long Green. I'd already got my long lens on. There was a pair of pristine, white, Calvin Klein underpants draped on the hedge. They looked so incongruous but I suppose by night the area might be used by courting couples or doggers. As I was taking a pants pic I heard a plane coming. It was a Vampire. I remember being excited to see these flying over our house as a child. This early jet with its twin tail still looks the business. :) I got a shot but the deer won. :)

I love the Epping Green fallow deer. The two bucks in my pic are not very old, they have hardly any palmation to their antlers. Their beautiful doe-eyed does are very varied in colour. Some are nearly black and are descended from dark deer brought to the UK from Scandinavia by James I.

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