It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Splish Splash .....Take 2

Well guys....Its the day before my big Blipday....I wanted to get some more splashes....and I'm rather pleased with this one :-)
All its had is a crop and a bit of lightening up.

More on Flickr and tomorrow Ill put a couple up of Paula and myself with the new drip set up. Nothing elaborate like Loosecanons :-)

I'm late blipping as I'm in work tonight :-( How crap is that? I'm getting LPH withdrawal's already.

Only two places left on the Blipmeet in November guys. Get in quick if you want to come along.

CONGRATS to Rockarea and Loosecanon for their fabulous 365 Blips today! :-)

Ooh and I must thank you all for getting "Star Trails" to the spotlight yesterday in conjunction with "Boathouse Door..." to the spotlight page :-)))
Blip Lovelies you all are.
The Back To Work Dragon xx

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