My Angle

By myangle


We were supposed to go to Lyndalls for dinner tonight, but, when I got home at 5.30 this arvo, I found a note on Jo's car: "Bringing dinner over to you, be there at 6pm.

So, Jo and I ended up entertaining tonight which is quite rare for us. Lyndall brought over a mega feast of Thai food which was scrummy.

As you can see I am eating, and a little bit in awe of Lyndall. She is highly intelligent and a little eccentric in some ways. The conversation was as good as the food. She spoiled us tonight.

I seem to be going down with something again. A lot of people at work are unwell and today I started to feel aches and pains. I am trying to use Jo's technique which is denial of the illness in the hope that it is my imagination and will go away. And why do I always get sick just before the weekend?

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