A year in Canada

By jennyoneb

Day 48 – Quebec City from the Citadel

We were up early this morning to head to the Citadel for a guided tour. The fort was built by the English after the war of 1812 for fear of a repeat attack from the Americans. The citadel is still an active military base and home to the 22nd Regiment who were established in 1914 and look very much like British soldiers, wearing red tunics and bearskin hats. The tour took us all over the castle and inside a former powder magazine, a redoubt and a reduit, then we crossed the parade ground to enjoy the view down onto the city from the highest point of Quebec City (today’s photo).

The Chateau Frontenac is a hotel which dominates the skyline of Quebec City and features in many Canadian tourism brochures, so is probably familiar to many people, even if you have never been to Canada before! It is a beautiful building and sits close to the edge of the cliffs. There is a nice boardwalk running down the side of it which can just be seen on the right hand side.

Today we also visited the National Assembly / Parliament building for a free tour which was very interesting.

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