A year in Canada

By jennyoneb

Day 49 – Quebec City from Levis

Another photo of the Quebec City skyline and the Chateau Frontenac today, but from a different vantage point – across the St Lawrence River in Levis. We took a short ferry ride across the river to visit Levis and take some daylight photos. We had some dinner whilst we waited for sunset, and stayed long enough to take some night time photos too! The good thing about Levis is it has a very good terrace from which to view Quebec City. The bad news is it’s at the top of a lot of stairs as the town is also on a large bluff like Quebec City. This meant that we climbed down around 300 steps in Quebec City, hopped on the ferry then climbed up around 300 steps in Levis! We had to do the same in reverse to get home again. It was all worth it for this amazing view though!

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