Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Uniform bottles

B**locks, B**locks, B**locks, b**olocks, b**locks. Just tried to reset my iPhone to get rid of iSO7 as its slowing my phone down as its an old iPhone 4 and I didn't remember to get the photo for Thursday last week off before pushing the button. Now lost in time and space. I had managed to take a photo everyday this year and post it. Worst thing is I know I took one of the whisky tasting. B**locks, B**locks, B**locks, b**olocks, b**locks.
I know I have been taking some photos at work so hopefully that was also last Thursday.

Crap day as well today. Didn't feel good in the gym this morning, the fog meant it was a slow painful journey to work.

At the moment we have a few tours come around the building. These are for people who have bought a machine from us. We pay for them and their partners to come over from the USA to have a bit of training and see how they are built. This with the backdrop of no bonuses this year. Doesn't go down too well. In addition I past todays group to see one of our chief R&D guys doing a talk in reception. While he was taking to one of the groups there was a woman standing right in front of him KNITTING.

Turns out it was one of the ophthalmologists wives. Even so, common curtsy would surely mean that you pay attention when someone is a) paying for you to visit a factory and b) someone is talking to you. Not a great ambassador for the US of A.
Left early to come home and pick up the new rug from John Lewis.
This is a bit of an emergency blip and banker for this week’s theme of UNIFORM. The uniform bottles of wine just waiting for Christmas.

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