These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Dentist trip done....

We visited the dentist today. Things keep coming up and I keep rescheduling and we finally made it today. I was a bit aprehensive. Last time we went, Tyler had 7 cavities. Yikes! I was completely depressed and I have been on a major mission ever since.

1. Mom and Dad now have the power to smell cavity bugs and the kids have to scrub their teeth until we don't smell any more cavity bugs.

2. We floss a little more regularly than we did before.

3. We've replaced many usual treats with sugarless gum

4. We pray!!

So, after doing above things on a regular basis, we left the dentist today with a clean bill of teeth! No cavities and the dentist said everything looks great! We were so thrilled... AND, Tyler is such a great dentist patient that he taught MIa how to be a good patient too. I seriously didn't know what to do with myself while my kids lay perfectly still getting their teeth cleaned.

Tyler won't even let me look at him. He says he feels fine unless I look at him.. then he gets nervous. Whatever! I was just thrilled with no cavities.

Here is Miss, being a champion dental patient! Way to go Mia Jo!

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