
By KirstyHalbert


Pentax K1000, Ilford HP5+, Double Exposure at ISO 400

Another cold morning today; more car-scraping, more layers at the office! My floor pretty much has the heating on all day in winter – It’s an old building and it is freezing. I made it to the gym at lunchtime for Tabata, which just about killed me; it’s a really good class though. Apart from the fact I arrived late and couldn’t work the door. Hmm.

I left work later than usual but was still home long before M. As the weather has got colder, his commute to- and from work has become horrendous. I arrived home to a bit of a scene of devastation – bottles, glasses, sticky toffee apples on the floor, the pan of stovies going crispy on top of the oven – so I did a clean-up job first and then laid the fire. By the time M was home, the house looked back to normal and I’d made him some haggis for his tea (I had veggie burgers – can’t stand the smell of haggis)!

We had a very chilled out evening – M watched masterchef while I called Mum. I meant to cook tea for tomorrow night after we get back from Norwegian class but time slipped away from me and before I knew it, it was time for bed. It’s nice to have a night of just vegging on the sofa, though; we often make plans and with two evening classes a week, things can get a bit hectic. In bed by 10pm, with my muscles already seizing up after the gym…!

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