Doctors surgery rang this morning. As my scans were only yesterday I was a bit worried that they were ringing so soon. But the receptionist said not to be concerned - the scan showed gallstones and I should make a non urgent appointment with my doctor. I already knew I had gallstones as they showed up on a scan I had a few years ago but they haven't been troubling me lately ( touch wood ). Anyway I am seeing the doc next week.

No big Asda shop this week as my friend Jan is off on a cruise ---- again. I will do an online shop later in the week but I decided to go to Asda today for some fresh stuff. Takes 2 buses to get there but travel was trouble free today.

I took the opportunity of going upstairs in Asda to look round the clothes dept. I never usually have time to go up there when I'm with Jan. I had a good mooch around and tried a few things on. In the end I got a jumper, long sleeved T Shirt and 2 tops - all for only £29.

When I came out of Asda it was raining and had turned colder. An evening for staying indoors for sure.

DDW's Forum Challenge today is wild. This crow doesn't look very wild but its the best I could do. Not too good a shot as I had to take it through the kitchen window.

I came across a list today " 26 Glorious things Newcastle Gave The World". So I thought I would post something from the list over the coming days.

Number 1..... GREGGS. Greggs the bakers first opened in Gosforth in 1951. Wonderfully there are now more shops in the UK than there are branches of McDonald’s.

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