"The Old Recipe Book" ...

...It was my Mums and looks a bit worse for wear now, but my Sister gave it to me recently as I'd asked about the the lovely yeast cinnamon slide recipe that Mum used to make when we were little - mostly when we were having visitors that was..

... Just why did Mums used to do that? Visitors, and the pantry was full of all these goodies, brandy snaps, ginger fluff sponges and all, as we had our own eggs and fresh cream and Mum used to make the butter (as did I) and when Visitors left - we had remembered the First slice and wondered where the rest went..and hoped we were having visitors again soon..

....But I thought I'd share a couple of pages of Mum's old Recipe Book, well over 80 years old...... I hope you can decipher her writing as she's not with us now to tell us exactly what is what, but I may be able to help - as I'm a fancy writer as well.. (John could never read her writing, so don't feel too bad!!)

...She made a fine Christmas cake too, and if you're stuck for something to do, well, maybe you can have a look at this one, it possibly was her own Mothers..but if so you would have to look at this in LARGE, ...

...And now - I can make my own can't I!!!

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