
By Lizimagiz

Nor-West Glow

Lisa and I and our collection of dogs were walking at 5.40am this morning. It was cloudy and the sky was a bit uninspiring. We had been expecting rain but that held off despite threatening clouds flowing over the sky from the south-east. Freeman Patterson of Canada comes over here to New Zealand from time to time and holds inspiring photography courses. He is full of wisdom and I often think of some of his insightful comments. One beauty is “There is a dirty word in digital photography……. It is ‘upgrade’”. Sadly, all too true. Another phrase that frequently comes to mind is “Look behind you.” And look behind me I did this morning. Although the weather was coming from the south-east I looked behind to the north-west. Lo and behold, low down on the horizon, there was this rather lovely golden glow in the sky. It was totally unexpected as the sun certainly does not rise in the north-west. Anyway I captured the golden glow and here I share it with you…..

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