me. It would have been a kind of miracle if the weather had continued to be like yesterday's.
For the walk after lunch we set a destination, the field with he hundred or more sheep we had seen yesterday in a large meadow along the road (where we even if we had wanted not had been able to stop).
The idea was to take a picture in the mist, there was no mist, but it felt like it. The trees were beautifully covered with a white layer, not snow really.
And it was always possible to make along our path new discoveries. And that we did. We reached the meadow and soon enough my feet were wet again, walking through the high grass.
The sheep had great potential but not for a picture. My name is Try and Try Again and that is what I did. The delete function works well with me.
The little garden hut belongs to the house of the florist family. In their garden there stand some glass greenhouses where several scenes of a movie were shoot some time ago. Not many more of these exist nowadays, one could read in the paper.

My haiku:

On top of the tree
The bird of prey overlooked
The valley sharply

And the proverb:

Birds of a feather flock together.

1578 - Whetstone , Promos and Cassandra. Also to be found in Shakespeare, Henry VI.

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