to go back today to Helmarshausen and visit the four horses in the meadow on the hill.
But in the morning I first planted bulbs, and the space for it I had to clear. To trim a laurel (again) back and a wild rose too and of course the blackberry bushes. I succeeded and felt happy. Still one box of bulbs to plant before we will leave here next week. And Piet Hein finished the trimming of the buxus hedge today. Looks so much better now.
After lunch I cycled the other way round, went right to Helmarshausen and from there up the hill to the plain.
I don't say I know horses very well, or can feel what they are up too, but in the field I had seen yesterday four horses, big ones, with long haired legs. working horses I would guess.
And one of the horses stood at the end, where the forest began. Totally quiet, now and then he/she looked up, a sign she had noticed me, but did not move one centimeter.
Today I came from the other side and there she stood again, motionless. The three other horses were grazing, one of them looked up and came greeting me.
I stroked the horse on the head, a very big head it was.
And the other two came eventually walking towards me too, but the quiet horse looked only inside. When one of the other horses walked to her, she stepped a bit aside. Her legs that had stood with a dead branch between them, made her hesitate and oh so slowly she managed to step aside.
In the picture the branch is still between her legs.
I do not know much about horses, but these four did intriguie me a lot.
Then I cycled over the plain, (how wonderful the views were) towards Wülmersen and from there I reached Helmarshausen again and took the same way as I had come, back home.

My haiku:

It is a safe place
Standing where the forest begins
Or ends as you like

And the proverb:

He/she has gone over Asfordby backwards.

1678 in J.Ray's collection of proverbs.

Spoken of one that is past learning. In modern usage it is applied to one who 'sets the cart before the horse' in word or deed.

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