and that's why I loved to colour the cobweb more blue.
It was also very cold outside but I wanted to plant the last box of bulbs and a good deal of earth had to be cleared. It keeps one warm, really.
The birds come to the feeder on and off and a young blackbird was interested in my doings and stood near me as close as she dared.
No wonder I slept for a while after lunch on the couch.
Since some time we want to find a place where we can collect all the dry leaves of the beech and the oak and imagine the heaps of trimmings of the laurel and the blackberry branches I cut.
The sacks that we have carried and will doing so up the hill are sometimes heavy and we looked for a lower place where the leaves would rest in peace and not blow away when it is windy.
Mission completed soon enough, another little task done together.

My haiku:

The spider gone on
Holiday perhaps leaving
The web empty behind

And the proverb:

Give neither counsel nor salt till you are asked for it.

1855 in H.G.Bohn,A handbook of Proverbs.

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