My Best Efforts - Year 3


Very Different.........

..............from yesterday's image!

This is Lade Bank Pumping Station and was built in 1867 on the site of the earlier Lade Bank Lock constructed in 1805. The pumping station was rebuilt in 1938 alongside the earlier building and oil engines were installed in 1940. The pumping station was built to counteract the effects of the shrinking of the peat in the East Fen. The fen could no longer be drained by gravity alone and the water had to be pumped into the higher southern half of Hobhole Drain. There are numerous very good coarse fishing spots along the drain, I'm told.
I like these buildings - particularly the older one with it's beauitfully shaped windows and just look at all the fancy brickwork of the chimney. The Victorians had a way of making even something as mundane as a Pumping Station looking impressive.

Rather a dull morning - just the very occasional small patch of blue to be seen - temperature reading around the 45 Deg.F. so not too bad. Some fog was forecast but has not materialised around here.

A very Happy Thanksgiving Day to all fellow Blippers in the USA and if you go to any Black Friday Sales, don't spend TOO much!!

Last year, the 28th of November was beautiful and the river and boats in Boston looked lovely.


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