My Best Efforts - Year 3


Messing About on the River.........

"When the weather is fine then you know it's a sign
For messing about on the river.
If you take my advice there's nothing so nice
As messing about on the river".

I don't really think the words of this song are very apt today - if you look carefully you can see the everyone is well wrapped up as they need to be - it feels blooming cold and is quite windy! Better them than me!! They looked a bit fed up too - folk in boats usually give a cheery wave but not this time! The swans aren't very bothered though!

Anni is back from her trip to Cologne - am hoping she has some pictures of the Dom - the area around it was devasted during the War but this beautiful cathedral came through although it received about 14 hits from the air..
When she lived in Germany, we both went there and climbed up to the big bell - it was a very long way up! (533 steps!!). Don't think I would want to try it now!

A dreary dull start to the day - Temperature is reading 46 Deg.F. but it feels MUCH colder in the wind![/i

Enjoy your day!

It was a lovely sunset last year

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