Meh Tuesday

The Daily Mail has been exaggerating the drama of the "East Coast Mega Storm" that will "Wreak Havoc On People Travelling For Thanksgiving". The freezing rain didn't materialise this morning, just cold wet regular rain, which makes me happy as the kids are driving home from college in it this afternoon. I have just finished work and could murder a starbucks, but I have been having chest pains and an intermittantly numb arm and tingly fingers for the past few days, and am heading to see the doctor in a few minutes, supposedly for a follow-up on my migraines, and don't want the caffeine to set my heart racing. Either I have a pulled muscle or I'm having a heart attack, so I think I should get this checked out as well. I am sitting in my car feeling as miserable as the weather, thinking I am on my way out :( In case you are interested, I ended up having an EKG which found nothing wrong with me other than a slower than average heartbeat, one apparently only usually found in the super fit or professional athletes of which I am neither! I am however thrilled that I only have a humungous knot in my shoulder muscle that is causing the pain. Now I just need the sun to come out!

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