Skip's Blips

By Skip

Giving thanks!

Thanksgiving is an American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Today we gathered with our family for a feast in the lodge at Punderson State Park. It was a double celebration because Bob and I were celebrating 54 years of marriage. Our wedding took place the day after Thanksgiving in 1959, so that's 54 years of togetherness. A long time, you're thinking? It has been a long time, with ups and downs, certainly, but way more ups than downs. So today we celebrated Thanksgiving and our marriage, and I am giving thanks for this good and generous man and the wonderful family we have created.

I wanted an anniversary picture, so I handed the camera to my daughter and she snapped away, then handed it to her son who snapped some more. The lighting was really bad (great for dining, but not so great for blipping), so wysiwyg! I chose this picture over the ones in which we were looking at the camera because I like the way it captures the interaction between us. Fifty-four years makes for a lot of interaction, so this seems much more natural.

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