"Two White Lilies" ...

...There were plenty more down at the Ornamental Lakes just down the road a bit, down there with some more of the little Wood ducks, so cute...but of a few shots I took today of the lilies and the pond with the little water spouts in the ponds - and the ducks swimming under the little bridges, this one of the Two White Lilies I liked the best..

...I tried to usher the little ducks over to the water lilies too but they would have none of that, they were doing their own thing today..

...It was rather a nice day actually, it was good until John misjudged stepping over one of the little concrete streams and ended up almost to his knees in the stream, shoes and all -but that was OK I said, not to worry, you'll dry out pretty soon, it wasn't cold and no, the ducks didn't take off in a flight of fright - they just hung around and wondered what else we could get up to there..

...That was slight disaster number one and the second was when I realized I was becoming very sick with my breathing and John had to help me to the car..

...Having always to be my own doctor - and trying to work out what is wrong very suddenly - I realized that the water lily leaves were in some places covered in Mould (especially when I uploaded the photos) - and Mould is just the worst thing for many people suffering respiratory problems such as I do.. It has spores which float into the air and it really is everywhere at certain times of the year and those unfortunate people suffering from Aspergillosis suffer very badly..(as you will see if you Google that condition)..

...And so, upon returning home, it was straight to bed for quite some time with John helping me, with my respiratory medication, until I was able to put this blip on here..but this has been my Life, always - I don't mind, it's the way it is, I'm fortunte to be here - and this is why I can understand most people and their illness..and most people who suffer like I have..I guess I've just been a quiet achiever who takes the day as it is..but we'll go back to the Lakes again, I'm not going to let that beat me, me, it's such a pretty place...

...Incidently, the criss-cross shadows falling across the leaves here are from the expanded metal decking of the bridge which I photographed through, to get this capture..

...And a surprise which cheered me up - was that my little Wood ducks amongst the roses yesterday brought me into the Spotlight again, but really, it was You who did that, no me - and I thank you all so kindly...

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