Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Thanksgiving: Holiday to celebrate the 1st harvest in 1621 after the arrival of the Mayflower from Plymouth England to Massachusetts bearing an assortment of religious sepaartists seeking a new home. Only half of the pilgrims (as they are now called) survived the first winter and were aided by the local natives in survival skills. (Would that that harmony had continued!) Thanksgiving is celebrated in November in the USA and in October in’s a day for family and friends to give thanks and enjoy a big meal together.

We are grateful to be able to be at the island with part of our family. All healthy. It was a thrash to get here the day after we returned from our trip, but d-i-l Kirsten, bless her, brought most of the food and we spent the afternoon cooking (!!) and eating before H and I totally crashed and could not even look at the photos the same day. The good news is we can have the same meal today -no cooking!!

So I am posting the next morning. Had to be some family picture. This is after the pumpkin pie had been eaten and enjoyed with the new “tablecloth” full of African zebras and giraffes,and the decorations that Tatum and I managed to find from last year (no time to make new ones...) We ate our yummy huge dinners, with 2 kinds of tofurky (those pilgrims ate the real turkey and would be appalled at the vegie one...) and pretty good mushroom vegie gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots, squash, cranberry sauce and corn bread on our moose and elk plates. The dessert plates have butterflies. Tatum has Rexie, the dinaosaur, and there were small wooden gorillas elsewhere on the table. Very eclectic wildlife.

Hope to at least load the Ugandan photos on my computer today -haven’t really seen most of them yet!

To see where the Mayflower sailed from, check out PaulaJ's blip for thurs.

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