Today's Special

By Connections

Running in Circles

After all the love for Thursday's delighted duck, running in circles and getting nowhere fast seemed to the theme for yesterday and this morning, hence the absence of a journal entry for Friday -- and almost for today, as well.

The Saturday farmers' market usually provides some Blipfoto candidates, but not today, as there were fewer vendors and low, dull light. After I returned home, I noticed that I'd inadvertently set my camera on ISO2000, which exacerbated the flat effect of the handful of photos I'd shot. I was not amused.

With no Blip options, I turned to still life possibilities, and set up a "studio" in our bedroom, which has a large window, hoping to use the limited available light to illuminate the assorted objects I tried to photograph in attractive ways.

Unsuccessful with that venture, in desperation I popped out into the back yard when the rain let up a bit, and took some macro shots, in between gusts of wind. I think these tiny water droplets collected at the point on the very end of a vine maple branch where a leaf and its stem dropped off during abscission.

Whatever their origin, I'm grateful for them today!

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