
"Life handed him a lemon,
As Life sometimes will do.
His friends looked on in pity,
Assuming he was through.
They came upon him later,
Reclining in the shade
In calm contentment, drinking
A glass of lemonade."

I have no idea why but this expression popped into my head today. ‘When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade.’ I have read so many optimistic journals on Blip. People overcome all sorts of obstacles even if it is just a bad day. I think we all need a reminder from time to time to be more positive about whatever is going on in our lives. Of course, I should take my own advice too. Being a worrier, turning lemons into lemonade takes lots and lots of practice. Sometimes you just feel like throwing the darn lemons back! Other times you just want to squirt someone in the eye. However, neither of those things really helps. Sometimes we just have to shake things up a bit by changing the scenery and take a walk or in my case, go shopping.
I went to a Christmas Shop today and being in amongst all the very festive decorations I could not help but feel like a kid again when Christmas was a magical event. While I was there, I found this wonderful assortment of poinsettia plants and snapped this photo. I like how they were the variegated type and not just the typical red ones. We got my son and his fiancé a tree since they didn’t have one and I got some ornaments for a family ornament exchange we do every year. The day definitely ended on a good note.

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