A little bouquet

My get up and go has got up and went. Matter of fact, it ran away screaming!

My brain has officially shut down for the day. Please forgive me for keeping this short I seem to have expended all my energy today decorating for the holidays.
A dozen plastic bins come down from the attic, and all have to be emptied and its contents displayed all over the house. Today we got the outside lights on the shrubs in the front of the house and the tree is up although not fully decorated. The rest we will do little by little during the week. By next weekend, everything will be finished.
I was going to blip the tree but it was not finished. I was going to blip the lights outside but it was too cold to stand out there with the tripod. I was even going to blip the plastic bins strewn all over but it was a boring and colorless blip. Instead, I focused on the one clean area of the house…the kitchen. On the counter sits this little pot of decorative grains that I bought in Chile when I visited there a couple of years ago. Up close, you can see the corn, seeds, beans, nuts and even a mushroom. However, from a distance of only a couple of feet, as it sits on the countertop, it looks like a little bouquet of flowers. I love it. Therefore, I decided this would be my blip for tonight. My little treasure from South America.

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