
By lucia13

Lunch time come on !

Lovely day today my friends". Sun shine here!It is incredible we are in the first of december. I was so happy went I went swiming and saw this blue sky and sunny day. I took some pictures in the river before go to the pool. Later always is dark I missed the sunset again . It was red sky and lovely but I arrived too late. So I chose this one where these children were feeding the ducks from the bridge. The ducks and swans meet under the bridge . It was lot of action there .
We went for lunch later and we had a very busy afternoon emptying the kitchen because tomorrow they will start to fitting the new one and the bathroom. I am a little nervous again I don't like how the house is a mees just now but I have to tolerate it for more than one week or so. It will be worth it.
Thanks a lot for the comments about the cemetery. I am glad how many people like it like me. It is very serene place and beautiful .
Sad news about Glasgow Hope the families and friends of the victims keep strong to cope with it. I wish them a quick recovery.
Have a nice first day of december a special month . Be happy and enjoy the life it is so short. We never know when it is finished. I had a few experiences. Almost I died a couple of times and still I am here. It was not my time yet.

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