Obfuscated Design

By obfuscatedesign

What an odd day.

Started off really cold and grey.
Then became very humid.
Grey clouds everywhere.
Sun explodes out of nowhere.

I simply didn't know what to think! Do i revise outside in the sun? Do i go swimming? Do I go outside but wear jeans instead of shorts just in case? So many questions.

In the end I decided to go for a swim and by that point the sun had appeared so I brought my stuff down revised outside.

EXCITING NEWS OF THE DAY ::: One of my best buddies Matt brought over a belated birthday present. He got me.... A BOAT! Admittedly only a small yellow 2 man inflatable dingy, but WOW is it cool! I was a captain all day long.

I rowed it, I sailed it, I swam under it, I capsized it, I jumped out of it, I tried to sink it. All within the confines of a small plastic boat in a big plastic pool!


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