Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


I'm having some of the music group guys over to my place tomorrow for a day devoted to Benjamin Britten, the centenary of whose birth was on 22nd November. I half thought of not going to today's music session and devoting most of today to shopping and preparation, but I compromised by doing some shopping before and after the session instead.

We met not far from my neck of the woods, so it was quite convenient for me to park in the ILAC Centre in Parnell Street to collect beef cheeks I'd ordered from a butcher in Moore Street, then joining the music gang, and then stopping off at my local 'drive-in' vegetable shop on the way home.

I compromise when parking in multi-storey car parks, using the lift for the upward climb and the stairs for the downward one. That's how I happened to look up the stairwell in the shopping centre for this quick blip.

I'd promised tomorrow's guests a Britten Buffet, but decided after sending out the invites to interpret 'buffet' rather widely, so they'll actually get main course, dessert and coffee. Preparation tonight consisted of some tidying and cleaning and the making of dessert, which is Limoncello Panna Cotta. It looked good as I left the ramekins to cool and made my way to bed.

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