It's a wrap!

I reckon that this shrouded building in Oxford's George Street could have been much better rendered by Arachne who I was delighted to meet in person today. I greatly admire her astute eye and her unconventional angle on the world around her so it was a pleasure to fill in some pieces of the jigsaw that blipping alone can never complete.

All in all my past few days in the city have been filled with the old and the new: familiar faces and places revisited, fresh discoveries and purchases made and a memorable exhibition at the Ashmolean museum of two major artists, the sculptor Henry Moore and the painter Francis Bacon, their work presented side by side in a novel and mind-blowing juxtaposition.

The internet connection where I'm staying has been so poor tonight that I've had to resort to catching it in a sleepless interlude, and in a very few hours I'll be on my way back to Wales. So I regret absolutely no comments are possible at all - I'll try and catch up when I'm home.
But please have a look at my alternative blip image Pink Vespa - it was a difficult choice. Did I make the right one? (As if it matters.)

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