Live. Laugh. Love. JESUS!

By livingtolovehim


I cannot wait.. apart from the 8 hours there on a bus... and the dreaded 9 hours back... I just can't wait to get away from Christchurch and spend some time with Nigel away from families and boring surroundings... and I GET TO SEE BOAZ!!!! Man, I love that little dude..

Yes, I am aware my blips for the last three days have been overly boring, that'll change after Wednesday. My mind is focussed on Economics and Marketing and pumping out A+ answers to keep up my GPA... UGH!

Nearly finished Marketing Assignment. Part B to finish tomorrow morning. Then... TICK!!!!! :D....

Economics Assignment is confusing me. Questions. Part B, D, and E still to complete tomorrow afternoon, Wednesday morning, and afternoon.. then TICK!!!! :D ...



God Bless,
Laura-Jane, xx.

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