
Yesterday I said “Achaladair” because that is the name of the burn on the map yet the road end sign for the farm of the same name says “Achalleder”.
What is not subject to debate is just how horribly cold and wet it was down there today. I returned to the car for my lunch early. I would normally stand at the back and eat it there but I felt so uncomfortable today I decided to sit in. The problem when you do this is that you either need to partially undress and get the wet weather gear off or step in just as you are. I did the latter and seconds later I was sitting in a puddle of rain water. The other thing about modern breathable wet weather gear is that it works in reverse in this environment and very soon the water was permeating the “paramo” fabric and I was wetter than I would have been standing outside.
You certainly don’t feel inclined to extend the lunch break any in such situations.
Anyway, we concluded on site and I will get that processed tomorrow.
Driving back in to reception a few messages came in on the phone; hands free by the way; and it would appear we now have more jobs to do than there are days remaining this week. I could have done with a couple of them last week when I was stressfully twiddling my thumbs.

The photo here is a little deceptive. The foamy water is the very top of a very high water fall. A few feet beyond the camera there is a drop of about a hundred feet to a deep, slippery sided, gorge. The main Achalledar burn thundered along at the bottom and this is just a little side stream in the image

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