Something I treasure

Spent a lazy morning just pottering about in the house. Then I went off down to the doctors. She had called me in to discuss the scan I had last week when gallstones were found. She said there was one quite large one - 19mm - which could cause problems at any time. She recommended my gall bladder be removed. So I have an appointment at the hospital in early January to discuss the operation. Then I will get a date for the actual operation. At the moment I'm OK about things but I guess I will start to get nervous when it actually happens. Hopefully they will do keyhole surgery and I can come home the same day. True to form I have already been on YouTube to find out exactly what the op entails - very interesting - when its someone else under the knife.

After the doctors I mooched around the village for a bit. Weather wasn't bad today - fairly mild and dry. It was a dull day though and it got dark around 3pm.

My Asda delivery came this evening. It seemed to take ages to scan and put away. I always seem to get carried away when I order online and get far more than I usually do when I am in the store.

Today's Forum challenge is " something you treasure". Well I do treasure my 2 children, my 2 brothers and my 2 cats. But as far as possessions go I treasure these photographs of my Mam and Dad. They have both passed away. Mam died in 1979 at the young age of 56. Fortunately Dad was around for a few more years. Becky and Neil really missed out in not having any Grandmas as Douglas's own mother had passed away many years before I met him.

My Dad was terrible for throwing stuff out. When Mam died me and my brothers never got to choose any keepsakes etc as he got rid of most of Mam's things. It was just his way of coping and not wanting anything around belonging to her. He even moved house as the old house had too many memories. I'm just the opposite - I like to keep things which remind me of past times. Anyway when Dad died my brothers and I divided up what few photographs there were and all 3 of us have copies of these two photographs. I keep the frame on a high shelf - where the kitties can't get to it, and underneath is the book about my family - The Warnefords - an English family Through Eight Centuries. I have blipped the book before.

Just noticed that there is something in this shot that I don't particularly treasure. Just on the left is a mug commemorating the marriage of Charles and Diana. I had forgotten it was even there as you can't normally see it. I stood on a chair to take this shot -with great trepidation I can tell you.

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